#110 | Income Report for June 👀


It’s time for another income report for my niche site business.

This month we’ll be peeking at:

  • My main website in the travel niche
  • A quick look at my passive income sites
  • My NEW vegan website, which is making money already!

Let’s go, my nosey friends ♥️

Here’s the income report…

1. Travel Blog

My main project is (and probably always will be) my travel site.

Since I launched it five years ago it’s made me over a million pounds (or $1.25 million dollars) in profit.

Most of that just got spent on a house, the rest will go to the tax man next year!

Here are the stats for June:

  • Income: $44,497
  • Sessions: 738,770

Now, I’ll pause here, because in the old days (about a year ago) sessions were directly correlated to income.

But now, visitors don’t ever need to visit your website for you to make money.

So sessions is kinda irrelevant.

Especially now I have my sexy new commercial director who is busy doubling the income without increasing the sessions!

(I’m allowed to call him sexy, he’s my husband.)

Anyway, here’s where the website traffic came from…

Organic social has overtaken organic search as the top channel and I’m thrilled about that.

Here’s the income from display ads by channel…

Another change I made since 2023 is that I no longer have 90% of my income coming from display ads.

It’s now just 64%.

The goal is 50%.

The rest of the income is coming from brand sponsors, digital product sales, YouTube ads and the Facebook bonus program.

June was my first month in the Facebook Bonus Program and I made $313.

To earn on Facebook you just need to post original and engaging content.

I’m pretty sure the earnings are correlated with reach, and my posts reached 1.3 million people in June (I have 60k followers).

2. My Old Sites

I have a bunch of sites that I don’t work on as they were built with SEO in mind and we all know what happened there.

They made $887 in June, mostly from Bing et al.

This site is dead. 💀
Zero traffic from Google. 📉
But someone clicked an Amazon link and bought a MacBook Pro. 🙏 pic.twitter.com/cJQNweFCsr

— Niche Site Lady (@NicheSiteLady) July 2, 2024

Truly passive income is like rocking horse shit, but this qualifies so all is good.

3. My New Vegan Site

My public case study site that I’m using to showcase my no-SEO social-first methods launched a week ago on 24th June.

It’s veganwins.co.uk, in case you missed last week’s email.

Quick note: The site and all the content was created by Web Asset Builders (you can use code NSL10 if you want 10% off their services).

This brand-new site has already had 3,147 visitors, but more of those were you guys coming from my NSL email and Twitter, so they don’t count!

What I actually care about is Facebook.

The Vegan Wins Facebook page has 5,000 fans, and I’ve been posting one article link per day on there since the site launched – 7 days so far.

Those 7 posts generated 323 visitors.

This is just the beginning…

The articles will be scheduled to go out monthly on Facebook and also sent to everyone who joins the email list as part of an evergreen sequence.

As the page and the email list grows, so will the traffic to those articles.

I’ll be monetising with a combination of ads and affiliates (mostly the latter).

Next steps in the plan:

  • Add realistic AI-generated comments to the site using Comment Goblin
  • Add AI-generated news articles to the site using GhostCraft
  • Set up the email sequence in ConvertKit
  • Start Pinterest – thanks to all who applied for the Pinterest Manager role. I had hundreds of applicants so was unable to reply to everyone individually.

Vegan Wins has started making money already, and in June I made $8.62 from the Facebook Bonus program.

I was accepted into the program mid-month, so this is two weeks’ earnings on a page with 5,000 followers.

The reach for those two weeks was 148,000.

You really do need things to go viral to make money from the Facebook bonus program, but when that happens, you can make $100s or even $1000s from a single post.


My total income for the month was $45,492.

My expenses were $6,209.

That leaves a profit of 39,400.

I’m super excited for all that July has to offer and I can’t wait to share what’s working and what isn’t with you.


P.S. You can read all my previous emails here.

P.P.S. Here are all the resources I recommend.