#114 | I spent $5K on FB ad arbitrage – Did it work?


If you’ve followed me for a while, you may have seen that I’ve dabbled in Facebook ad arbitrage.

Here’s a tweet I posted back in April about it…

(Bookmark it for later)

I have a blog post that’s only costing me 2c per click to get traffic with Facebook ads.

Each click makes me 6c back from display ads, PLUS, some of them join my email list. 🤑

Time to crank up the ad spend!

Here’s how to find posts that work for this…

— Niche Site Lady (@NicheSiteLady) April 11, 2024

If you can make it work, Facebook ad arbitrage is basically free money.

You buy Facebook ads to drive traffic to your blog posts, and make more than you spent back from display ads.

Sounds easy, right?

Well, yes and no.

Here’s how much money I spent on ad arbitrage…

How much did I make?

Well, I actually don’t know!

I’m 99.99% sure it’s more than I spent.

But how much more?

Well, I couldn’t tell you.

That’s because Raptive doesn’t have a filter for only paid Facebook traffic.

As far as I know, the other main networks like Mediavine and Ezoic don’t either.

The paid Facebook traffic gets mixed in with the organic Facebook traffic – and those may have different RPMs.

I also couldn’t tell how many affiliate sales I was making from the paid Facebook traffic,

Or how many people signed up to my email newsletter.

That’s a problem.

Not knowing my exact returns with paid ads felt too risky.

So I paused my ad arb projects a couple of months ago 🙁

Until, this game-changer happened…

I got a message from Facebook expert Dan who runs the Facebook For Niche Sites course.

He said…

My ears pricked up.

Because I saw that Hasib made this much from Mediavine last month…

And a good chunk of that is from Facebook ad arbitrage.

Now I knew how much people were making with Facebook ads,

And the method was mapped out for me in a course I already bought ages ago,

I knew it was time to give it another shot.

Dan updates the Facebook For Niche Sites course all the time with new techniques.

But this is the best update yet.

So, if you already have the course, make sure you go back in and take a look…

It includes:

1. A 100% accurate method for tracking

Finally! My attribution problem is solved!

I now know exactly how to segment out ONLY the paid ad traffic when it comes to reporting on the performance of display ads, affiliate sales and email signups.

(This works for any ad network)

2. How to increase the RPM of ad arb posts

Dan lists some simple changes you can make that will double how much money each page makes you from ads. Woohoo!

3. How to identify the best pages to promote

I was just using the high-RPM pages that already performed well on Facebook organically.

That’s ok, but there are two more methods I will definitely be using to choose high-performing posts for ad arbitrage now

I re-started my ad arbitrage project

I’m SO excited to do ad arbitrage again now that I can see exactly how much profit it’s making.

Plus, I know how to boost the RPM for each one AND how to pick great posts that I overlooked before.

I’m so grateful to Dan for continuing to make the Facebook For Niche Sites course the best FB course on the internet.

I’ve tried other Facebook courses – they’re not as good IMO.

(And I’ve been running Facebook ads since 2015 so I know)

Some of the courses cost $1,500+

Dan’s course costs under $100.

If it were mine I would charge a lot more, but hey!

Dan doesn’t need the money and wants to make it affordable for everyone.

Fair enough.

If I were writing this newsletter for the money I’d be promoting the $1,500 course too, haha!

(The value I get from keeping myself in the loop with things like this is far more than any income I make from the NSL newsletter)

Real examples for you

My new public case study site isn’t monetised with ads yet, but when it is, I’ll be able to show you real examples of how ad arbitrage works.

Until then, I’ll be doing this on my travel blog.

I do full income reports every month, and I can’t wait to have some exciting numbers to show you for August!

But if you want real examples right now, you can see how Dan’s making this work on his own sites with screen-sharing videos inside the course.

See you soon!