On my niche websites, we write all different kinds of articles.
But my favourites have to be the ‘Best & Worst’ listicles.
These often make big money…
Today, I’m going to show you the exact method my team and I use, so you can try this if you wish.
Why ‘Best & Worst’?
Best and worst listicles work well to attract clicks from Facebook and email because they give people THE FEAR.
For example, let’s say your audience has people who are considering getting a puppy or have recently got a dog.
They see a list of “Best & Worst Dog Breeds To Sleep Next To“.
And they think something like: “Hmmm, I like Shih Tzus but do they snore? Could I roll over and suffocate it? Will it leave hairs in the bed?”
They think: “I’d better click that and check the list.”
After reading, they send it to their friend who has a husky to say: “Look, your dog is on this list!”
And that’s how content goes viral.
My best and worst listicles do pretty well on organic search too, and I have several that get over 5,000 visits per month each on a regular basis.
Okay, so now we know WHY we make these articles.
I’m going to tell you HOW…
How To Create Best & Worst Listicles
First, we need to do some research.
For most topics, we can’t write the whole thing based on personal experiences.
Sure, if you’ve been to every ice cream parlour in your town, you can.
But in this example – Best & Worst Dog Breeds To Sleep Next To – Nobody has shared a bed with every breed of dog, have they?
So we need to gather opinions from thousands of people and analyse the data to work out the truth.
For the research and the writing, I use this tool.
Don’t be fooled, this isn’t just another AI writer.
And I probably don’t use it in the same way that others do.
You see, most of the time, I’m only interested in Reddit.
Sure, Hypertxt can do research from anywhere on the internet.
And you might want that. But I don’t.
Most AI tools I’ve tried do their research using the internet.
The top results that come up in Google for this query are from newspapers and magazines like the Daily Mail or Hello Magazine, or blogs.
And (no offence but) I don’t trust that they’ve done their research properly.
This one, for example, is actually sponsored by a mattress company.
They said that a Labrador is the best to sleep next to. Well I’ve had labradors for the past 16 years and I can tell you that’s not true at all, haha.
Labs are massive and they shed.
Reddit answers are much more trustworthy than this garbage, we all know that.
In my opinion, there’s no way in hell you should be using other blog posts or newspaper articles for your research.
You just can’t trust them,
I used to do research on Reddit manually and it was VERY time consuming.
Since September, my team has been using Hypertxt and it’s saving us hours every day!
Once Hypertxt has done all the research, I give it my specifications and it writes the article too.
The writing is really good.
Of course, we always fact check and edit any AI-assisted content, but that really doesn’t take long.
If you want to see an example, check out this article.
Or look at any of the articles on my site, VeganWins.co.uk that have ‘best’ in the title.
The ‘Best & Worst’ articles I write with Hypertxt do great on social media, but they also do pretty well on organic search too.
So whether you’re going for search or social traffic, I recommend you check it out.
Of course, there’s not much money to be made from writing about vegan biscuits.
Or dogs, probably.
But if you can get your articles in front of a high-value audience or wealthy Americans, you can make thousands of dollars per post from ads.
And if you can insert affiliate links to high commission products, that can be a big earner too.
Hypertxt is super affordable, from just $11 month.
If you’d like 50% OFF you can use code TRYHYPERTXT.
Try it out here and let me know what you think!