If there’s one thing I’ve realised after running niche sites for five years, it’s that you should say no to almost everything.
Some people will tell you the opposite.
They will tell you to say yes to almost everything.
Those people will burn out.
Saying no is a superpower.
Let me give you an example of an email I just got (after a short message from this week’s sponsor)…
I just received this email…
I’ll be saying HELL NO to this one with the same vigour as a my dog when I ask if he’d like a shower.
(Seriously, I’ll just click the ‘Report Spam’ button).
Some people will, of course, say yes this proposition.
They must do, that’s why so many of these emails keep being sent out.
Abdullah will send some poor unsuspecting and desperate new blogger a piece of AI slop content to publish with a dofollow link to some crappy casino site.
If they’re unlucky, he might then push thousands of the very worst spam links through it, using the blog as a shield for his nasty second-tier link campaign.
There is no money on this earth that would make me say yes to this.
But I expect his budget is around the $20 mark.
Now, two words stood out to me in his email..
Sponsored posts!
I received another email today about sponsored posts…
It’s from a well-known travel brand that I love.
They have a budget of $6,000 and want to know if I can write some high-quality sponsored posts that include nofollow links to their products.
These two campaigns are worlds apart.
One is a Hell No, and one is a Yes Please.
Yet, they’re both called ‘sponsored posts’.
You see, opportunities for the good kind of sponsored posts don’t land in my inbox too often.
When they do, I love it.
I made $85K from sponsored content last year.
But most of the sponsored opportunities that come my way are the $20 spam kind that go straight in the Junk.
I’ve come to realise that to get more of the good kind, I can’t just sit around waiting.
As well as saying no to almost all of requests that drop into my inbox,
I need to make the first move to go after the big opportunities that will actually move the needle.
Big brands have huge marketing budgets to spend.
They’re spending hundreds of thousands of dollars every month.
If you watch YouTube, you’ll see ‘This video is sponsored by Blah Blah’ mentioned all the time.
Brands love creator sponsorships.
And yes, sometimes they reach out to creators like you and me.
But most of the time, we have to reach out to them.
Honestly, I never really knew how to do outreach to brands.
I found the thought of it to be a bit awkward.
Plus, you have ONE SHOT to make a first impression, right?
The last thing I wanted to do was to send a crappy email that would put them off me forever!
So I put off doing it.
However, this weekend I started with the S.P.O.N.S.O.R. Method™️.
This was developed by an expert called Lindsay who has generated millions in sponsorship revenue so far.
Tony Hill told me he has generated over 5 figures with this method so far.
And Jon Dykstra just started with it too, making $7,200 in the first month.
I’ve just completed the course and it’ fantastic – just what I need.
I can see that I was doing a lot right, but I was missing a lot of key points too!
I’m ready to go all in on sponsored content this year.
I’m going to build lasting releationships with brands that can rely on us to help promote their products on a regular basis.
If you’d like to help me achieve that goal, you can apply to join my team here.
Or, if you have a blog of your own and you’d like to create a new revenue stream without growing any more traffic,
Then I highly recommend you check out Pitch & Profit.
P.S. – As this course is new, so if you join in the first week you’ll not only save $100, you’ll also get 6 bonuses – don’t miss those.
P.P.S. – Next week I’ll send you my monthly income report.
I’ve think I made about $16,000 in sponsorships in January, so it’s looking like a good month!
I can’t wait to see how much I make when we ramp this up!