Do you like my new profile picture?
I can’t keep it.
If anyone I know in real life clocked me
Talking about how I’m making $30k per month
I’d die of embarrassment!
That’s an annual salary for most people in my life.
And it was for me, a couple of years ago.
So I’m staying anonymous.
And I’ll keep driving around in my shit car
Wearing clothes I got from the supermarket.
And waiting 6 months in between getting my roots done.
You might have noticed…
Something absolutely bonkers is happening on Twitter!
As well as yours truly, Niche Site Lady,
There are a raft of other similar accounts popping up.
Some examples:
- Niche Site Woman
- Niche Site Man
- Niche Site Guy
- Niche Site Gentleman
- Niche Site Mom
- Niche Site Dad
- Niche Site Buddy
- Niche Site Gal
- Niche Site Boy
- Niche Site Baby
- Niche Site Toddler
- Niche Site Noob
- Niche Site Queen
- Niche Site King
- Niche Site Lord
- Niche Site God
- Niche Site Master
- Niche Site Wizard
- Niche Site Ninja
- Niche Site Guru
Some Twitter users have even bagged the Niche Site handle for later use…
Keith from @Minted Empire has bagged @NicheSiteKeith
And Mushfiq from @TheWebsiteFlip has reserved @NicheSiteFlip
Not only that,
It seems that ‘cartoon behind a macbook’ profile pictures are all the rage too!
So when Gael Breton tweeted this yesterday,
(Complete with new profile pic and name)
I found it hilarious!!!
There are so many @NicheSiteLady copies nowadays that it's getting a bit sad.
— Gael Breton (@GaelBreton) August 8, 2022
You see, Gael is one of the people I look up to the most in this industry.
I’ve been listening to his podcasts for years.
And unlike some others on YouTube
He really knows his stuff.
A big chunk of my knowledge comes from Gael and his co-host, Mark.
So I was so flattered that someone like that took the time to join in with the jokes.
He seems like such a friendly, fun guy.
And I like how he and Mark poke fun at each other.
I love podcasts like Gael and Marks because they’re like talk shows.
I can listen to them in the car, while walking my dog or when I’m folding laundry.
You can get all of Gael’s podcast episodes here.
If you want to check them out.
But the thing I like most about Gael and Mark’s podcast
Is that it’s well suited for anyone at an intermediate or advanced level in building websites.
Because most other video and audio content seems to be more for beginners.
But whatever stage you’re at,
I definitely recommend that you also check out
It covers:
- Finding profitable, hidden niches
- How to build a fast website
- How to steal your competitor’s best keywords
- Finding good affiliate programs
- Easy ways to build links for free
- It’s only 30 mins long, but so packed full of useful info.
It could be the best 30 minutes you spend this year.
By the way,
Gael hasn’t asked me (or paid me) to say any of this.
I just really like how much he gives to the niche site community.
So I wanted to give a little back.
And while, a good chunk of you seem to think that I’m actually Gael with a wig…
Who is really behind the Niche Site Lady account? 😜
— Niche Site Lady (@NicheSiteLady) August 8, 2022
I promise you, it’s not.
I’m just a normal mum from the UK
Who spent 1,000 hours watching YouTube videos
And learned how to build a business online.
Until next time,