#40 | Dishwasher beef

When you load the dishwasher…

Are you an ‘everything has an exact place‘ kinda person?

Or more of a ‘throw it in fast and slam the door‘ kinda guy/gal?

Of course, there are other extremes too…

Like the person who handwashes everything because they don’t trust a dishwasher to do it properly.

(You know who you are)

And the person who uses paper plates for every meal for ‘efficiency‘.

The reason I ask,

Is I believe our dishwashing personalities are very closely aligned to how we manage our blogging businesses.

Would you agree?

But whichever end of the spoon-scrubbing spectrum you’re on,

You know that you need spreadsheets, right?


Whether you fricking loooove spreadsheets

Or prefer to use your ageing brain and scraps of tatty paper,

You can’t get around it –

You do actually need one.

Now, it took me years to figure out what to put in this spreadsheet.

I had nobody to ask for help.

I thought I finally had it nailed.

Until I looked at other people’s blogging spreadsheets and realised they were way better.

I’ll be honest with you,

Running this newsletter, I get a lot of people sending me their stuff to promote.

So, I’ve cast my beady eyes over a fair few content plan templates…

Some look like they were thrown together with about as much effort as I put into loading the dishwasher.

(Hey, you can always give it a second rinse)

Some are very comprehensive – and great if you have a couple hundred dollars to spend on a spreadsheet.

But then I found these ones that strike the perfect balance of being super useful, and also cheap AF.

(A bit like me, haha)

Here’s why I’m using this set of templates:

  • I can easily keep track of every article that’s planned and live
  • I know exactly what tasks to check off when publishing
  • I can manage my internal links to boost the money pages
  • I’m alerted when posts are due for an update

And if you do affiliate reviews at all,

Then you need the bonus template that shows you which products to choose.

I feel like a fool for picking products the way I did before.

This way is science!

So, whether you already have a decent content planning system in place or not,

These niche site templates might well be the best 25 bucks you’ve ever spent.

And you could even get them a whole lot cheaper,

Because depending on where you live, you’ll get a discount of up to 60%.

(I’m a massive fan of pricing parity – it makes things much fairer, particularly for anyone in Asia or Africa.)

So take this as your sign,

To get your sheeet together,

Nail down your processes,

And save yourself a ton of time.


P.S. When it comes to picking affiliate products,

Be aware that most products can be promoted via more than one affiliate program!

I never thought about this too much until I realised that I had been promoting TripAdvisor via CJ for 4%

When I could have been getting 8% via Travelpayouts!

In fact, I’ve just discovered that a ton of travel affiliate programs pay more on Travelpayouts than elsewhere.

So I’m switching my links and doubling my money!

If you promote travel at all,

Make sure you check out TravelPayouts and see where you can double your money.