#59 | My AI content hack


Tomorrow, I’ll be publishing the latest leaderboard in the Race To $100K Per Month.

If you’d like to take part, please submit your stats here.

I’ll email you with the results tomorrow but first,

I didn’t want to wait to tell you about this absolute gamechanger of a content-creation hack that I’ve discovered…

I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been struggling a bit lately.

I’m packing up my house to move across the country in a couple of weeks,

I have press trips booked in just before and after the move as well.

I was getting behind and feeling totally overwhelmed.

You know the feeling, right?

So, I decided to attack this problem in two ways…

The first, was to get myself organised.

I needed a system that didn’t involve scraps of paper and docs sent over email.

I tried ClickUp, but found it to be a little too complicated for me.

I wanted something super-simple, so I chose Trello.

It’s also FREE, which is a massive bonus.

I made this board for my tasks…

And then I made content production boards for the team.

Each article has a card with a checklist,

And they get moved along from Prep to Live as each task is completed.

The next part of my plan to avoid burnout was to outsource content production – and fast!

I had no time or mental energy for hiring or training people.

That would just make my busy schedule even worse.

But I saw that ContentPit had just launched a new ‘Done-For-You’ service.

I’ve used them for a long time, but just for content writing.

With this new service, they do everything:

  • Keyword research and selection
  • Research
  • Writing
  • SEO
  • Meta description
  • Images
  • Internal linking
  • Drafting in WordPress

All I had to do, was click publish.

(And get my VA to change product links to affiliate links)

– nothing else!

It sounded too good to be true and I’ll admit, I was nervous.

I’m a control freak.

I’ve never outsourced keyword research before.

I do all my own internal linking too.

So this was a big move for me.

But, I’m so glad I took the leap.

I was given the chance to approve the keywords before work started – they were all spot on!

Then, I also approved the content before it was uploaded – again, no revisions needed.

When the first posts went live, I set my editor a challenge.

I said…

“Out of these 10 posts, 5 are human-written and 5 are AI. I want you to guess which is which.”

If he guessed at random, he would likely get 5/10 right.

Here are his guesses…

He actually guessed only 4/10 correctly!

You see, ContentPit’s AI content is heavily human-edited and fact-checked with links to reputable sources.

So it’s impossible to distinguish.

The main benefit is that it’s cheaper, and as this site has quite low RPMs, I’m very happy with that.

While this service is new, you can get 20% OFF if you try it by Friday.

Just use code NSL20OFFLAUNCH when you order either the Done-For-You Human Content or the Done-For-You AI Content.

Now, I know exactly what I’m working on at any given moment.

Plus, I have a process to produce great content in just a few clicks.

I feel a weight has been lifted!

If you’re feeling under pressure too, I hope this helps to show that options are available for you.

See you tomorrow for the results of The Race To $100K Per Month!