I absolutely LOVE Twitter.
Since I joined almost a year ago, as well as gaining 44,000 followers,
I’ve gained a VAST amount of knowledge.
There are some absolute geniuses sharing what they know and expecting nothing in return.
Take this latest example, which is about to save me HOURS of time every week…
I was chatting with @NicheDown publicly about managing email sponsors.
I’ve been arranging everything over email.
Back and forthing with people like an absolute granny.
It was taking me hours.
On top of that, people would sometimes reserve a spot.
Then not pay their invoice.
So I wouldn’t make any money that week.
Enter @MasonDWear, out of the blue, with a knowledge bomb.
He has a Star Wars newsletter.
He said he’d set up an online booking system for his newsletter sponsors.
Geeks Sponsors could book a spot, pay online and submit their ad copy without his involvement.
This was just what I needed.
I messaged Mason to ask how he did it.
That afternoon, he wrote a whole blog post to explain!
What a superstar.
My set-up ended up being a little different as I wanted people to see the calendar before they booked a slot.
But I managed to work that out.
I used my existing site, a Google Calendar, Calendly, Stripe, and a Google Form.
The whole thing didn’t cost me a penny to set up!
Here’s how it looks: www.nichesitelady.com/newsletter-sponsors
I’m about to repeat this process with the newsletter for my travel blog.
I hope you find it useful too.
It can also works for sponsored posts, coaching calls or anything else with a specific date.
Of course, I signed up to Mason’s newsletter.
Not the Star Wars one!
I don’t know the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek tbh. (Sorry, Mason)
I think you might like it too.
Until next time,
– NSL.