I’ve taken such a slow approach to learning.
It’s taken me 14 years to build the knowledge needed
To get 1 million monthly visitors to my niche websites.
And make $30,000 per month in profit.
Since 2008,
I learned SEO on the job
While being employed in SEO manager roles.
And since 2019,
I’ve spent over 1,000 hours
Watching YouTube videos about building niche websites.
I’m guessing you don’t have 14 years and 1,000 hours to spare,
You want all the knowledge now?
I get that.
In fact,
I recommend that you don’t copy my approach to learning.
It really has been at a snail’s pace!
And I’m sorry to say,
That my daily tweets and weekly emails
Won’t get you there fast either!
The only way you can grow your skills FAST,
Is to take a course.
I admit, that at first,
I didn’t want to take a course.
I was dead against it.
Well, a lot of them just look like scams.
Don’t they?
I was put off
Because a lot of them are scams!
If you watch any kind of ‘make money online’ videos on YouTube
They will be peppered with adverts for scam courses.
(YouTubers don’t choose the ads)
I’ll bet that 99%+ of those courses are scams.
They’re created by ‘gurus’
Who make their money from selling courses
Not from actually making websites.
The other reason I didn’t want to take a course
Is because of the price.
If you know me,
You’ll know that
I’m hella frugal!
That’s why a couple of months ago
I was still working on a crappy HP laptop
That sounded like a helicopter.
But then I realised –
I need to invest to progress.
So I bought a new MacBook Pro
And it’s paying for itself
In terms of how much more work I can produce.
I also started an online course called Niche Site Profits.
This course was created by Jon Dykstra,
Someone I’ve admired for years
Since I saw his videos on YouTube.
(I was a bit sad that he stopped making videos there
As even though he only had a small audience
They were packed with golden nuggets of information!)
Jon’s course walks you through
Not just the basics of building niche websites
But it also has loads of advanced tips
That he used to build a portfolio that generates $100k per month.
It really is next-level stuff!
It will help me to get to the next level,
I’m sure of it.
Jon didn’t ask me to send this email.
I’m sharing this because I genuinely believe that it’s a great course.
And as for the price?
Well, I’m confident that this course will pay for itself.
It really does bring the value.
For every hour of free YouTube videos that I’ve watched,
I’ve probably gotten one or two useful tips.
Admittedly, sometimes none.
But with Jon’s course,
It’s BAM!, BAM!, BAM!
With tried and tested formulas
That work!
It would take me years to figure all this out on my own
And that’s even with my SEO background.
So, if you want to give it a go,
then you can sign up here.
It’s only open until the end of the month though.
That’s not some fake countdown –
It genuinely will close, for at least a few more months I think.
And I’d hate for you to miss it.
But if you’re not sure,
Then at least be sure to follow Jon on Twitter
As he gives share some really useful info there too.
Until next week!
P.S. Jon’s Niche SIte Profits course also comes with access to an excellent forum that’s full of smart people who are happy to help each other.
I’m lucky, if I need help with something I can ask my 16,000 Twitter followers and you guys will kindly help me out!
But if you don’t have that option, then the forum alone is worth the price of the course, in my opinion.